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United Public Workers to host ‘Blue Collar Christmas’ events to support foster children statewide : Maui Now


November 25, 2023, 10:00 AM HST

The events will be held for foster youth, therapeutic foster youth, and other children who are often victims of trauma and abuse, as well as other kids who may reside in the same household. (PC: United Public Workers Union)

Bringing holiday joy to foster children across the state, the United Public Workers Union (UPW, AFSME LOCAL 646 AFL-CIO) will host several “Blue Collar Christmas” events in partnership with Catholic Charities Hawaiʻi in December.

The events will take place on Dec. 2 on Maui and Kauaʻi, Dec. 9 on Oʻahu, and Dec. 16 on Hawaiʻi Island. Attendance is limited to Catholic Charities Hawaiʻi program participants. Children and their families will enjoy arts and crafts activity stations, a photo booth, and a visit from Santa Claus with presents donated by United Public Workers Union and community members statewide.

The events will be held for foster youth, therapeutic foster youth, and other children who are often victims of trauma and abuse, as well as other kids who may reside in the same household.


“This is the second year our UPW members will come together to make the holiday season brighter for children in need,” said Kalani Werner, United Public Workers AFSCME, Local 646, AFL-CIO State director. “We’ve expanded the community service project to include the four major islands where our members live, work and play.”

For more information, visit www.upwhawaii.org.

Source: Maui News

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