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What Are the Health Benefits of Magnesium?


As a do-it-all mineral, magnesium can have a hand in addressing several health conditions. “Magnesium plays a role in a number of different body functions. I find that people’s [health is] better when they have more in their diet from foods or supplements,” says Wagner. Here’s how it may help keep you healthy if you’re well and how it can play a role in a treatment plan.

Magnesium May Improve Insulin Function in Type 2 Diabetes

“Preliminary studies show that magnesium may improve insulin sensitivity,” says Wagner. A study found that people with the highest intake of magnesium had a 15 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with the group who consumed the lowest amount.

The mineral, she says, allows insulin to be more responsive to the sugar in the bloodstream and ferry it into your cells more quickly.

Anxiety May Be Tempered With Magnesium, but More Research Is Needed

“Magnesium can be beneficial in balancing the neurotransmitters glutamate and GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid),” says Wagner. GABA, for instance, relies on magnesium for its receptors to function properly, she says. GABA is a calming neurotransmitter, while glutamate is an excitatory one. An imbalance can make you feel on edge, says Wagner. While one study review suggests that people who supplement with magnesium may report lower levels of anxiety, there are questions on the quality of that evidence, so more research is needed.

Not Getting Enough May Increase Depression Risk

People who had a low intake of magnesium were 16 percent more likely to have depression, particularly for adults under age 65, according to a study of nearly 9,000 adults.

In fact, the researchers found that there was a 50 percent greater rate of depression among adults consuming the lowest amount of the mineral compared with those consuming the highest amount.

Not only is magnesium important for those neurotransmitters that keep mood at an even keel, but it may also help control inflammation, another factor believed to be at the heart of developing psychological disorders, researchers note.

Magnesium May Reduce Headache and Migraine

“I’m always recommending magnesium for regular headache and migraine,” says Wagner. “It’s a really basic intervention that can make a massive difference,” she says. A study review suggested that consuming 600 mg of magnesium regularly in the diet may help prevent headache, though the authors noted that more studies are needed.

Both the American Academy of Neurology and the American Headache Society list magnesium as ”probably effective” for migraine prevention.

Wagner often advises patients to consume more magnesium-rich foods (like nuts, seeds, greens), and have a supplement on hand for times when extra stress or travel may trigger head pain. Foroutan recommends magnesium for headaches associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD; a more severe form of PMS).

Magnesium May Address Sleep Disorders in Several Ways

For one, muscle twitching at night can prevent you from falling asleep or disturb your slumber. “Twitching or cramping is frequently caused by a mineral imbalance, so I find that magnesium is often an easy place to start,” says Foroutan. It may also help promote calm or improve mood or anxiety, which will set the stage for better rest, she says. It’s important to know what the issue is that’s getting in the way of your sleep, as that will inform what type of magnesium supplement is best to take.

For Constipation, Magnesium Can Get Things Going Again

Constipation is uncomfortable to live with. “I recommend magnesium to help reestablish normal bowel movements,” says Foroutan. Certain types of supplements (see below) will be best for promoting productive bowel movements. Foods with magnesium also often contain fiber and can prevent constipation (more on this later).

Magnesium Is Important for Preventing Bone Fractures

“Magnesium has a significant role in bone health,” says Wagner, who suggests that anyone with a history of osteopenia or osteoporosis consider supplementing with extra magnesium along with calcium and vitamin D. But it may be helpful before it gets to that point. The mineral is a physical component of your bones, found one study.

Researchers looked at the association between serum magnesium levels and odds of bone fracture in men, finding that low levels were an independent risk factor for fracture.

For women, those who met magnesium intake recommendations either via food or supplements had a 27 percent lower likelihood of having fractures in the future compared with folks who fell short.


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