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What to Do if You Can’t Get Your Meds


If you’ve had trouble filling an Adderall prescription for yourself or your child, you’re not alone.

Many patients (and parents of patients) have found themselves struggling to fill orders for Adderall and other drugs to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at their local pharmacies of late, says Ann Childress, MD, a psychiatrist in private practice in Las Vegas, Nevada, and the president of the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders.

Patients and parents report calling pharmacies many miles from home and still coming up short, says Dr. Childress. Others have asked their doctors for alternative medications for the condition, some of which have also been in short supply, and which may not be as effective as the drugs they were previously taking, she adds.

The problem has gotten worse as millions of children and teens across the country recently returned to school. For many students with ADHD, the start of the school year means resuming medication regimens that had been put on pause for summer vacation.


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