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Who to Include on Your Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Team


4. Pulmonologist

Pulmonologists are doctors who specialize in treating conditions and diseases of the lungs. According to the American Lung Association (ALA), people with NSCLC may work with an interventional pulmonologist — a physician with specialized training to diagnose and stage lung cancer. You may also be referred to a pulmonologist if you experience any issues associated with your cancer or that arise during treatment, such as breathing problems or fluid buildup around the lungs.

5. Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, Oncology Nurse Coordinator

These specialists work closely with your oncologist and each other to deliver a range of services, including performing physical exams and certain procedures, ordering tests and analyzing results, and helping you manage cancer treatment and its side effects. These team members are very knowledgeable about the details and nuances of navigating the cancer terrain.

Oncology nurse coordinators in particular are usually the first point of contact if you’re having symptoms or concerns during treatment. They can play a crucial role in helping you during transition points in your treatment, such as moving from inpatient to outpatient care, according to the Oncology Nursing Society. “They may sit down with you and your family before treatment starts and educate you about side effects and what to expect,” says Douglas.

6. Dietitian

Cancer hospitals and clinics often have on staff a full-time dietitian who specializes in nutritional issues that can arise during cancer and its treatment. “A dietitian can help out with what foods to eat or avoid during chemotherapy, how to combat any significant weight loss during treatment, as well as how to use nutrition to achieve a sense of wellness,” Douglas explains.

7. Psychologist or Psychiatrist

These mental health professionals can support you through any emotional or psychological issues, such as anxiety or depression, that come up during or after lung cancer treatment. A review found that involving psychology early in treatment resulted in lower rates of depression, anxiety, and even premature death. Psychologists offer one-on-one or group counseling sessions. Psychiatrists can provide therapy sessions, as well as prescribe medications; they have expertise in how medications interact with lung cancer treatments.

8. Physical or Occupational Therapist

These providers specialize in helping patients cope with any decline in their ability to function at home or in the workplace. “They can help you combat weakness and fatigue from your disease and treatment and teach you techniques that will help you continue to carry out tasks at your job and also at home, like making meals for your family or walking the dog,” says Douglas. You can see these team members in the hospital, or they may come to your home.

9. Palliative Care Team

“Almost all of our metastatic NSCLC patients are referred to our palliative medicine team, which includes a palliative care physician, as well as a nurse who specializes in cancer pain and symptom management,” says Douglas. These providers work closely with other oncology team members to prevent and ease symptoms such as pain, nausea, fatigue, insomnia, and any other side effects of your cancer and NSCLC treatment.

10. Oncology Social Worker

An oncology social worker has special training in assisting patients and their family members with practical and emotional issues related to cancer. They can provide supportive counseling for you and your family, help you navigate the healthcare system, assist with insurance and financial issues, and connect you with resources in the community, according to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Your social worker can be a powerful ally in your cancer journey.

11. Financial Counselor or Navigator

These professionals can answer questions about hospital bills and insurance coverage, as well as help you get pre-authorizations for services and medications. They can also help you find financial assistance through national, nonprofit, and community programs, as well as Medicaid, according to Montefiore Einstein Comprehensive Cancer Center.

12. Chaplain or Religious Support Person

Many cancer clinics and hospitals have a chaplain or other clergy member on staff to meet with patients and their families. They can provide support to people of all faiths who are experiencing spiritual distress as a result of an illness, according to the ALA.


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