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Why People Cheat — Even if They’re in a Loving, Committed Relationship


There’s no betrayal quite as hurtful as infidelity. Discovering your spouse or partner has cheated on you can create feelings of distrust, anger, and confusion — especially if you feel your relationship is a happy one. But in fact, it’s not only unstable relationships that are rocked by affairs. Often, loving, committed marriages and partnerships suffer the effects of infidelity, too.

The question cheated-upon partners inevitably ask, of course, is “Why?” When a relationship seems to be going well, it can be difficult to point to reasons one partner would stray. Experts say a variety of factors can lead to affairs.

“I believe that anyone is capable of engaging in infidelity within a relationship,” says licensed therapist Kendra Capalbo, who has a couples counseling practice based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Sometimes, this is due to life circumstances like stress, lack of sexual satisfaction, or even boredom. But other times, it’s a matter of small frustrations adding up. “Unaddressed issues in the relationship and small voids often lead individuals to start filling those gaps with someone else,” she says.

Cheating in a monogamous relationship is never a solution to problems. But here are seven reasons therapists say it happens.


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