
11 Caffeine-Free Benefits


2. Better Absorption of Micronutrients

Caffeine can reduce the absorption of some vitamins and minerals from food, says Nicole Avena, PhD, assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York City.

That’s because some vitamins are water-soluble — such as vitamin C and many B vitamins, according to the Colorado State University Extension — and caffeine’s diuretic effect (meaning it increases urination) creates a situation where they’re “washed” out of the body before being fully absorbed, Dr. Avena says. In addition to these water-soluble vitamins, caffeine can also interfere with the absorption of calcium and iron — two minerals that are also common deficiencies.

“Many people are deficient in one or more micronutrients, and cutting out caffeine can help reverse that,” she says.

3. Potentially Better Bone Health

Related to vitamin deficiencies, caffeine’s effect on bone health has been a subject of debate. On the “skip the java” side, some research has found that higher caffeine levels interfered with vitamin D absorption, reducing the way the vitamin responded in osteoblasts, the cells responsible for building bone.

That mechanism, and the strong link between vitamin D and calcium, may be why another study found that regular, high caffeine consumption is associated with reduced bone mineral density and increased urinary calcium loss.

On the other side of the debate, the Bone Health & Osteoporosis Foundation suggests that these effects are minimal in those who get the recommended amount of calcium daily and that these effects can be offset by adding a small amount of milk to a cup of coffee or tea.

RELATED: What to Eat and Avoid for Healthy Bones

4. Keeps Wrinkles at Bay for Longer

There are many factors when it comes to the development of wrinkles, but a big one is how well your body can continue making collagen, a protein that provides structure to skin, as well as tendons and ligaments, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. As we age, our collagen production decreases naturally, research has found, which can affect skin resiliency, elasticity, and hydration. What speeds up that process? Too much UV light, tobacco, excessive sugar intake, and surprisingly, a large amount of caffeine.

“As research has shown, caffeine actually interferes with collagen synthesis,” says Los Angeles-based registered dietitian Melissa Hooper, citing a study. “When collagen stores begin to decline, which occurs around age 30, it creates wrinkles. Cutting out caffeine is a simple and inexpensive dietary change that can be done to support collagen stores and help delay wrinkles.”

5. Reduces the Menopause ‘Power Surges’

Caffeine can have an effect on hormones, Hooper says, particularly estrogen. Although research has found that caffeine can change how estrogen is metabolized in younger women, it may also increase estrogen for those who are going through menopause, according to Hooper.

“That has a tendency to increase hot flashes,” she says. “We see that with menopausal women who regularly drink caffeine.”

One caveat to this, though, is that these estrogen changes may vary according to race, a study from the National Institutes of Health notes. Also, dose dependence may play a part. In other words, if someone drinks 2 cups of coffee every day, she may not see these results, but if it’s more than 2 cups daily, it may be an issue.

RELATED: 10 Symptoms of Menopause and Perimenopause

6. Lowers the Risk of Heartburn

According to Linda Nikolakopoulos, RD, CDCES, who is based in Boston, caffeine is often a main trigger for heartburn and acid reflux, and her clients have seen tremendous success with alleviating symptoms by going caffeine-free. Research has shown that coffee, in particular, can boost heartburn risk, but even tea to a lesser extent can be problematic. That’s because coffee has a high degree of acidity, similar to other drinks with high acid content like orange juice.

“This can be a game changer if you suffer from these issues,” Nikolakopoulos says. “Cutting back or eliminating caffeine is one of the first strategies I recommend, because it can provide great relief.”

7. Increases Chances for Fertility

When Kenney sees women who have fertility concerns, she usually suggests they cut back on the caffeine.

“Caffeine can decrease the flow of blood to the uterus, which can interfere with implantation,” she says. “Too much caffeine can also increase the risk of blood clotting and miscarriage.”

When it comes to fertility, cutting caffeine has the potential to benefit men as well. Research has suggested caffeine may reduce the integrity of sperm by affecting DNA, potentially reducing reproductive function. The study does note that results have been inconsistent, though.

RELATED: What to Know About Getting Pregnant After Age 35

8. Less Anxiety and Better Immune Function

Just to revisit that cortisol bump for a moment: That surge of cortisol does more than give you a temporary feeling of energy, says Kenney. Regular consumption may start to make you feel less like a warrior and more like a worrier.

“The way caffeine causes cortisol, in particular, to stay elevated is similar to those experiencing acute stress,” Kenney says. If it’s only the caffeine that’s spiking your stress response, that’s one thing; but on top of other daily stressors, it can ultimately put you at higher risk of stress-related issues like lower immune function, according to one review.


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