
7 Best Support Organizations for Health at Any Size


While body positivity and acceptance is becoming more ubiquitous, our society admittedly has a long way to go. Not only do constant weight-biased messages of a “perfect” or “ideal” body permeate media and advertising, but even healthcare providers and people in our social circles can inadvertently discriminate against large bodies.

What Is Weight Stigma and How Does It Affect People?

Weight stigma refers to one’s social devaluation and denigration due to excess body weight, and can lead to stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination, among other negative experiences, and is seriously concerning for overall individual and societal health, notes StatPearls.

According to a Survey and Special Report: Weight Loss Reframed published by Everyday Health January 2024, which surveyed 3,144 people living in the United States about their experiences and perceptions on weight loss, one-quarter of all respondents said social media negatively impacts them and it was not uncommon to call themselves “overweight” or “fat”. Additionally, one-third of participants had experienced shame for their weight from someone close to them. And most responded that weight affected their self-image, and reaching a goal or “normal” weight would increase happiness.

In regards to healthcare, a recent review published in February 2023 in Current Obesity Reports found obesity stigma contributes to poorer treatment for people in larger bodies, and that there’s growing evidence that healthcare providers have strong biases, both implicit and explicit, against people with obesity. This raises concerns about the future of provider-patient relationships and care outcomes for patients dealing with weight-related issues — especially for women, gender nonconforming people, people of color, and people experiencing socioeconomic challenges, where a provider’s weight stigma may couple with other biases, potentially exacerbating the situation.


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