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9 Best and Worst Sources of Protein


For a simple protein fix, you can’t go wrong with eggs. According to David Katz, MD, MPH, an internal, preventative, and lifestyle medicine specialist in Hamden, Connecticut, eggs provide a solid source of nutrition that’s both convenient and versatile. At 6 grams per large chicken egg, they provide a serious high-quality protein bang for your buck, per the USDA. According to a recent study, protein from eggs is the most digestible protein in food — meaning the amino acids in eggs are more available for the body to use — compared to dairy, meat, and plant-based sources of protein. Eggs have also been shown to help decrease appetite to aid in weight management, support immune function, and regulate blood pressure.

“I’m a dietitian, and I eat eggs every single day,” says Hubert. Just don’t nix the yolks, she says. “The yolk contains so many high-quality vitamins and minerals,” she says. For instance, the yolk contains about 40 percent of its protein, according to the research above, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12, among others, per another study.


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