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Hispanic Women With Blood Pressure Issues During Pregnancy May Be at Risk for Later Heart Problems 


Hispanic women who developed signs of high blood pressure for the first time during pregnancy could be more likely to have problems with heart function and structure later in life, according to a study published in December 2023 in the journal Hypertension.

Conditions like preeclampsia, eclampsia, and gestational hypertension — known collectively as hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (HDP) — may be more closely linked to certain heart risks than regular high blood pressure, according to the authors.

On average, Hispanic women develop heart disease 10 years earlier than non-Hispanic women, according to the American Heart Association.

High blood pressure in pregnancy has lasting effects on heart health, says lead author Odayme Quesada, MD, cardiologist and medical director of the Women’s Heart Center at The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati. “Our study emphasizes the importance of early surveillance for hypertension and management in women whose pregnancy is complicated by hypertensive disorder of pregnancy to prevent later-life heart disease,” says Dr. Quesada.


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