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How to Cope With 9/11 Anniversary Grief


September 11, 2024, will mark the 23rd anniversary of the terror attacks that left parts of the United States consumed by smoke, fire, rubble, and a sea of grief. The collective loss of life after four hijacked commercial airplanes crashed into the World Trade Center complex in New York City, the Pentagon in Arlington County, Virginia, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, continues to take a toll more than two decades later.

Nearly 3,000 Americans died on that tragic day. And many more live with physical and psychological scars that range from serious to life-threatening — illnesses like cancer after exposure to toxic dust and debris from the collapsed towers in New York City, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and the loss of loved ones, according to New York City’s World Trade Center Health Registry.

For many who survived or lost someone in the 9/11 attacks, the anniversary reignites memories of what they experienced that day, says the grief psychologist Heidi Horsley, PsyD, an adjunct assistant professor of social work at Columbia University in New York City, and the executive director and cofounder of Open to Hope, an organization for grief recovery.

Dr. Horsley has counseled widows and children of firefighters who died in the New York City attacks.

“Anniversaries can bring people back into those earlier stages of grief, which can be blindsiding for them,” Horsley explains.


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