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Small businesses hit by wildfires get funds to participate in Made in Maui County Festival : Maui Now


Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival. PC: Maui Chamber of Commerce

Maui small businesses hit by this summer’s wildfires are getting financial support to participate in this year’s Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival, happening on Nov. 3 and 4, 2023 at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center.

The Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism’s Community-Based Economic Development program is providing $65,000 in grants to cover booth fees for vendors.

The Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival is an annual event presented by the Maui Chamber of Commerce to showcase products from the islands of Maui, Moloka‘i, and Lāna‘i.


“Many of our participants experienced hardships following the devastating wildfires, losing inventory, storefronts, retail outlets, and so much more, and we deeply appreciate DBEDT’s financial support so our vendors can focus on preparing for the Festival,” said Pamela Tumpap, president of the Maui Chamber of Commerce. “This year marks the 10th anniversary of the Festival and it’s much needed, especially this year.”

“Providing immediate support to small businesses on Maui is vital right now. This sponsorship allows 132 companies to exhibit their creativity and talent and for the community to experience what vendors have to offer while helping their recovery efforts,” said Dennis Ling, administrator of the Business Development and Support Division of DBEDT.

Each of the participating vendors will receive $450 for their booth space and other associated costs for the Hawaiian Airlines Made in Maui County Festival. 


The CBED program provides training and capacity-building opportunities to promote, support, and invest in community-based development projects that result in measurable economic impact.

Source: Maui News

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