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The Skid Marks MS Leaves on the Brain


A recent near miss in a potential bike-meets-tourist incident brought back some very old memories. The aforementioned nonlocal just stepped into the road as I cycled at pace. Now, it was my cycling-with-multiple-sclerosis (MS) pace, but still, it was faster than a walking pace.

I slammed on the newly refurbished brakes and stopped with less than a foot to spare. But even with the skidding sound of my fat tires on the tarmacadam, the woman kept walking without noticing the inconvenience she’d caused me and the automobile drivers behind me.

Boys, Bikes, and the Joy of Skidding

While I was rightfully annoyed, I shook the feeling by remembering all the intentional skidding we used to do on our bikes when we were kids. This brought me back to my first real bicycle: high seat, tassels from the handle grips, and no stabilizers (training wheels). It also had a feature I’d expect is nonexistent today: solid black plastic tires.

Boy, were those tires the best for making long, black skid marks on the pavement. The more block-wide, impromptu skidding championships I won, however, the more I noticed the difficulty I had riding my trusty steel steed.


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