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Choosing Heart-Healthy Foods May Benefit Your Brain


Choosing foods that are good for your heart may also have benefits for your brain, a new study suggests.

The study looked at how closely over 5,000 middle-aged women followed the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet, which is rich in fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins, while limiting alcohol, salt, sugars, and fatty meats. Researchers found that women who most closely adhered to a DASH diet were 17 percent less likely to experience memory problems in old age.

“Many essential nutrients that are abundant in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that can reduce blood pressure and improve brain health,” says senior study author Yu Chen, PhD, MPH, a professor of population health at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine.

At the start of the study, when participants were 46 years old on average, they all completed dietary questionnaires that were graded on a 40-point scale with higher scores indicating greater adherence to a DASH diet. Decades later, when participants were 79 years old on average, they completed cognitive function questionnaires.


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